Thursday, September 6, 2007

Jacobo Enfermo

We just got back from our volunteer visits this weekend. I went to visit a volunteer in the middle of the Camarca. I have a lot of pictures, but I did not bring my camera here, so I will have to tell that story at a later date.

Currently, I've been told, there are 4 Jacobs in PC Panama, so I am, of course, Jacobo Guapo. I told my host family this and they loved it. Well, due to a diet of mainly rice and a little chicken and Tortillas (corn cakes) I have had a lot of problems staying regular. I took it upon myself to by some laxitives last week when we were in Panama City. I was almost positive the lady said take 3 at night, then one in the morning. That also made sense because they came in packs of 4. A few nights later I decided to take them. Three at night. I woke up in the morning and still could not take a dump so I took the last one. That morning was HORRIBLE! My Spanish teacher came to see what was happening and between her and my host family, no one could understand what was happening to me. I kept trying to go, but nothing came. I was sweating so bad that eventually I had to change cause I was soaked.

I had the worst time trying to explain that the problem was that I couldn't go. My family thought I needed to see a doctor because they thought I had pooped like 20 times in the morning. My dad, whom I have trouble understanding in the first place, gave me a cup of water with powder in it and told me my spanish teacher had to go, but she said to take it. I drank it down then asked him what it was. He handed me the package, it was electrolyte tablets from my med kit. That was a good idea cause I had been sweating so much and they thought I had explosive diarrea. Well, I threw up immediatly after talking to him just as my host mom was walking up. She had bought me some gatorade which helped a lot. At about 11:30 am the plug gave and everything was good. My family still thinks I took about 40 poops that day and now I am no longer Jacobo Guapo, but Jacobo Travesuro (mishcievious) because they don't know that the pills eventually worked, although rather violently. They took the rest from me and told me that the package said to only take 2 in 24 hours.


Anonymous said...


YOU HAD BOTH????!!!!!


Payback for all the times you asked for AutoCad. So if that's what's going on with your body, how do you expect to Wigwam? We can't have you constipated one minute and they pooping a firestorm the'll be chaos.

Anonymous said...

I installed AutoCAD for your replacement. Then 5 other people came up and asked for it. Said, "sure, I can install AutoCAD". Then a bunch of undergrads asked for it....started handing out CD's left and right with the registration codes. Then someone walking by me on the sidewalk asked for it. I went to their house and installed it on their home machine, because I felt bad for them. Then a pen pal on the internet asked for AutoCAD. I immediately e-mailed them a link for the full download off our server.

Yup, just another typical day.

Anonymous said...

That'll do Pig.....


Anonymous said...

thats weird, cause when we spiked our roommates beverages with a package of laxatives they couldn't stop for 2 days.