Friday, September 7, 2007

Volunteer Visit Part One: Diarrea

I know the poop stories are probly getting old, but I don´t have time to upload my pics on these slow puters, so I´ll START the volunteer visit with the story on how I got there.

I left the bus terminal with a bunch of Aspirantes that were headed for David, the major hub city in the Western part of Panama. Three of us were to stay the night in a hotel in Santiago (HOT shower and TV!!) and then get up early to make the last 1 1/2 bus ride to San Felix where we would jump on chiva (a pickup truck taxi where you just cram in the back) and just jump off at the places where these maps that the volunteers prepared told us to. I mean they stop and you pay, but you get the picture. The night in the hotel was wonderful and I was so happy to have running water and watch Southpark in Spanish. The next day we arrived in San Felix and I decided I needed to poop. I asked where the bathroom was and finally found it. It was a really dirty old toilet and no toilet paper. Since the map says I only had a one hour chiva ride (if the roads are good), I decided to wait. One of the Volunteers met us at the chiva station and he found out our chiva didn´t leave for another 1 1/2 hours so we went to the local restaurant and ate.

Me and one other Aspirante jumped on the chiva and I immediately regretted it. My stomach started boiling. What made it worse was the fact that this winding mountain road was really bumpy and hot so I was just sweating. Forty minutes of hell later we finally dropped off the other volunteer. I asked the Pavo (chiva helper) how much longer to Hato Chami, where I would meet my volunteer. He said about 20 minutes. By that time I was just about to jump off and tell him to wait for me.

The other riders that were still on were asking me if I was ok cause I was just dripping with sweat trying not to poop myself. About 10 minutes after we dropped the other aspirante off I decided it was time. I needed to go. As soon as I told the driver Estoy enfermo (I am sick!) and was gonna say stop, I hear the voice of the volunteer telling him to stop. I did a quick swim move out of the truck and took off for the nearest latrine, not really knowing where it was. I was asking the volunteer at the same time as asking if he would pay the pavo. He did while informing me where the latrine was and that it was locked. Also, I would need TP. So he ran into the ´restaurant´(a shack with two tables) to get the key and then buy some toilet paper. I finally made it without any accidents. And then 6 times more while we waited for the rain to let up before hiking into his site.

Lesson of the story - when in Panama, ALLWAYS carry toilet paper

I promise the next post with involve pics and a cleaner story about my volunteer visit.

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