I am just going to do a quick update with some pictures. I know its been awhile, but it has been a while for me to use a computer. It will probly be a while until I can come back too. The weather here is beautiful and a lot of the rain has slowed down now. For New Years eve my community went to Deborahs community for a huge bash. It was a lot of fun. Lots of typico dancing, which Im not a huge fan of. Here is another picture of our port, but now since the water is much higher, I wanted to show you a picture of the sign that fell less than a foot from me when a boat ran into it. I almost died.
Here is a pic of the sunset at the port. Biyakirua (beautiful).

Here is a pic of a sunset from my host dads house. I will be building a house across from his and be able to share the view.

Here is a picture of me (full body paint) and one of the younger kids from my community. This picture is a few weeks old, and I recently got painted again. They give me a different design everytime and my host mom takes about an hour to paint me.

Another one with naked baby.

Here is the spot where the pyragua (dugout canoe) was sitting the past few months while the community worked on it. They launched it early one morning before I got there, but I took a few pictures of it in the water and the maiden voyage.
So pictures stopped uploading, one of the great things about Panamanian internet is it never works, and when it does, the computer doesnt. Hope this tides you all over until next time. Hopefully we will start to build a house soon for me. Take Care.
HE'S ALIVE!!!! Happy New Year's! Merry Christmas!!! Call of Duty 4 is AMAZING and way better than BF2. You'll have to check it out, but by the time you see a computer that can handle it, COD 8 will be out. TAKE CARE BUDDY. (knife, knife, knife, claymore).
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